AEON links + Proof of Existence + Files + Messages
Chainy — blockchain engravings
Chainy is independent Ethereum based smart contract, which exists for as long as blockchain lives. It's independent from anybody. Even if we abandon this project, and it will be impossible to look up the data using other viewers or blockchain explorers or scanners, all previously stored proofs and data will be available via the Ethereum API, for example through Mist or open source viewer.
Just as we all like it :)
Irreplaceable short URLs (similar to but impossible to change)
Permanent proof of existence of the document (file) together with link to the file at one page
Public text message on the Ethereum blockchain. Also may be encrypted
Sample Chainy transactions
Irreplaceable short URLS engraved on the blockchain
Be sure, that link once created will always point to original location

URL shorteners (e.g. are useful in our online life. But did it occur to you that those links may not always lead where they're supposed to? Using short links is a great way for hackers and malware operators to send you to a phishing or malware-infected site, instead of your favorite cookie recipe. solves this problem with the help of an Ethereum smart contract (how it works?).

If you are a moderator of content submitted by different users, you need to make sure users can't replace the short links included with their submitted content. If you know the shortened URL in the article today leads to, you want to make sure that long after publication this link won't lead users somewhere else. Replacing linked shortened with third-party services, after content has been approved and published, is the most common way to get unexpecting traffic to bad sites. Using Chainy prevents this and makes it impossible to ever replace short URLs. The real address destination is saved in the blockchain with the unique short code, and never can be changed by anybody.

Sample link to chainy github:
Blockchain record of this link:
Proof of Existence
A short link to a file and digital signature in one place

How often you need to sign a file and provide a link, allowing others to see this file and to check its signature? For security or privacy reasons you may not want to trust saving your file on a server belonging to a third party. Chainy solves this problem by saving the proof and a link to the file together in a smart contract.

You can even include the proof link directly in the smart contract. We made the link so short (and unique at the same time) that it's easy to retype it or write by hand.

Sample file with link to download:
Short alias:
Proof of Content
Broadcast message and get proof of timestamp

Do you want to carve in stone your message to the world, loved one, or business partner? Claim you're a world champion, or do you just want to leave a message to your descendants? Now you can record your text right in the blockchain and it will be there forever.

You can also leave it encrypted, for privacy.

Sample Message — "Hello World!":,
short alias:

How does it work?
The Chainy service is saved on the Ethereum blockchain, the second-most-valuable in cryptocurrency (by market capitalization) and second-largest distributed network in the world
Chainy is a simple independent smart contract, which exists for as long as the Ethereum blockchain lives, and it's independent from anything or anybody. Even if Everex no longer exists, it will still be possible to retrieve the data using other viewers, blockchain explorers or scanners. All previously stored proofs and data will be available via the Ethereum API, e.g: through Mist. Just as libertarian minds like it :)
To create a record in the contract, its method must be called and parameters in a JSON structure are passed to create a recording contract in a public format. Such a record results in the creation of a unique short code, which then becomes an index of your records in the blockchain
All your data is now saved. To retrieve this data, you can at any time send a query to the same contract (without having to create a new transaction) using the unique short code created earlier
You can read the JSON structure itself, the creation date of the transaction, and the address from which it was created. All this can be done by using software such as the official Ethereum Mist client
There is illustrated manual – how to use Chainy Contract without website.
Does it seem complicated? You can always use online forms we created for you:

For users who do not want to bother with tools for geeks, we offer a convenient and simple interface at chainy website. Just paste the link or file into the online form and get a code. Once the code for the existing record is entered, all information about the record is displayed.

Lastly: for the service that performs redirects on short codes – and its short alias, just type in your link as and you will automatically be either redirected to the link or file, or any other existing content, e.g: your message to the world!
Why Chainy?
How we are different from other services?
We have three reasons
Firstly, we created this service for ourselves
Because there was no other tool available that would allow us to keep both a link to a file while displaying the file, in a single location. More importantly, it grants users independence as there is no need to decipher proprietary binary data storage formats on the blockchain. At any time, you can read your data using Ethereum's Mist, or even download a viewer in source code and run your own.
Secondly, irreplaceable AEON links
There was no existing service that could guarantee the integrity (non-replacement) of shortened URLs.

For everyone else, we upgraded the service to include up to five storage formats. Once Ethereum releases Swarm, the distributed file storage service, we will consider the possibility of storing files directly on the blockchain network.
And finally,
It's just cool to create such a project – one that can live a full life, regardless of other servers, just like smart contracts, which anyone can send inquiries to.
Looking for existing data?
Enter your short code in form below or type short link like:
or create your data there:
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